Working within NHS national and local brand guidelines, we designed and edited a regular journal to promote clinical research by staff.
Read MoreDAISY Awards materials for NHS Foundation Trust
Exemplar Ward project for a major London NHS teaching hospital trust
NHS staff development
We designed a brand identity for a London-based NHS trust’s professional development programme.
Read MoreNHS set of staff postcards
NHS staff 'going home' checklist
BIICL & Bingham Centre templates
Excerpt here
Read MoreNursing, midwifery & AHP infographics
Nursing, midwifery and allied health professions infographics
Read MoreNHS research branding and materials
We created a new logo for the Centre for Nursing Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals Research (CNMAR)
Read MoreJoint report between major London NHS teaching hospital and hospital for women and children in the UAE
Social Mobility Commission's State of the Nation report
The Social Mobility Commission, part of the Department for Education, promotes social mobility in England. We twice won the contract to produce the Commission's annual report, which presents comprehensive data on child poverty across the UK.
Our team worked with the Commission to produce and implement a house style for text and data visualisations. Working to a tight schedule, we delivered the report to the UK Parliament on time and on budget, working with senior figures within the Commission to ensure quality control and editorial approval.
At a time when austerity was still a central plank of economic policy, this ensured that the Commission's important messages about reducing child poverty and inequality were heard across Government.
Promoting young people’s mental health
Research led by Hillingdon Healthwatch showed that mental health services for young people in the area were disjointed and under increasing pressure. We produced a short film to highlight the issues, along with a report based on research undertaken with young people, their parents and mental health professionals. The results were distributed to local schools and service providers and shared online. The project encouraged a move towards better communication between providers and more ‘joined-up’ services.
Primary care data visualisation
We prepared a slide deck for the Nuffield Trust as part of a joint project with The King’s Fund to highlight the results of a survey into the attitudes of clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) to reform. The results revealed optimism about upcoming changes to their commissioning role, though suggested that careful implementation will be key.
Energy research aims to keep the lights on
Sustainable energy production that keeps “lights on, and bills down” is key to reducing Britain’s greenhouse gas emissions, according to the UK Energy Research Centre, based at Imperial College London. We designed a newsletter to help the Centre increase engagement with their research programme and encourage contribution to the debate.
“MBC supplied a knowledgeable and responsive service with clear communication, and took the time to understand our needs.”
Multiple Myeloma infographic
Young people’s cancer service booklet
The Teenage Cancer Trust
Teenagers and Young People’s
Cancer Service at UCLH is the primary treatment centre for teenage cancer in London and the South East. We were asked to co-write and design a brochure for GPs detailing the services offered and explaining how to refer patients to the Unit.
The brochure has just been reprinted for a second time.
Enhancing emergency information
A London teaching hospital wanted to update its information for patients attending the Emergency Department (A+E). The aim was to inform patients about the best way to manage a range of common conditions, as well as describe the ‘A+E journey’ and suggest appropriate alternatives to A+E.
We edited text and gained clinical approval for a suite of 40 new leaflets (including foreign language versions), then designed and managed printing.
Improving information for patients
A high-performing NHS foundation trust wanted to create an information booklet for new inpatients, as part of a welcome pack that would also contain socks, slippers and other useful items. We created a design concept for board approval, then edited text and developed the layout. We also produced a safety leaflet and contact card for insertion into the pack.
Since launch the welcome pack has contributed to improved patient feedback and a reduction in readmissions; the pack was runner-up in the Patient Information Network awards ‘Access to Information’ category.
Health and wellbeing infographic
We were commissioned to produce a briefing to map the role of Health and Wellbeing Boards in the new NHS commissioning landscape, as part of a joint NHS Confederation/Local Government Association project.
Central to this was an infographic poster, highlighting the role of the voluntary sector in developing local commissioning plans.
Nuffield Trust publications
We have produced a wide range of publications for the Nuffield Trust, both working within the brand guidelines and developing new design directions.
Projects have included a publication to mark the NHS’ 65th anniversary and a new series of policy briefings on key topics in health care, to be published around the 2015 General Election.
For each publishing project, we recruited a team of designers and editors to help deliver the project, and managed print procurement.
“Matthew has a very wide knowledge of publishing. His experience has been central to implementation of an ambitious programme. He can always be relied upon to remain calm and collected, and to turn projects round quickly.”