Research led by Hillingdon Healthwatch showed that mental health services for young people in the area were disjointed and under increasing pressure. We produced a short film to highlight the issues, along with a report based on research undertaken with young people, their parents and mental health professionals. The results were distributed to local schools and service providers and shared online. The project encouraged a move towards better communication between providers and more ‘joined-up’ services.
Junior doctors' intranet
As a major teaching hospital, this London trust has a regular rotation of junior doctors in training.
Feedback from previous cohorts had suggested that provision of a central intranet hub would improve information flow and increase their feeling of engagement with the Trust.
In response we created a ‘Junior Doctors' Mess’: an intranet portal for accessing a range of human and academic resources that also offered opportunities for social interaction.
As part of the project we convened a junior doctors’ editorial group, to act as a sounding board during development.
ISEH website/digital communications
The Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health, an Olympic legacy project designed to improve both elite sports medicine and public health, asked MB Communications to build its new website and manage an ongoing digital communications programme.
The project involved managing the procurement, design and development of the website as a digital communications hub that also encompasses social media and regular news updates.
A year after launch, the website attracts over 4,000 visitors monthly (a 300 per cent increase) and has been central to the Institute's growth.
Communicating the case for change
Finding new ways to deliver health services is central to the NHS’ modernisation agenda. The NHS Confederation wanted to illustrate a range of service innovations being developed across England, with a focus on how organisations were engaging with and consulting professionals, patients and the wider community.
We conducted a series of interviews with senior communications and project professionals undertaking five major reconfiguration initiatives. These formed the basis of a series of briefings for senior NHS managers. Printed copies were sent to the target audience by direct mail, with the digital version forming part of the NHS Confederation’s online resources around reconfiguration.
NHS Confederation partnership brochure
Attracting supporters and exhibitors is a key part of the marketing programme for the NHS Confederation annual conference and exhibition.
We edited the text and worked with the Confederation’s rostered agency to produce an eye-catching design to help the events team achieve their sponsorship target.
Nuffield Trust publications
We have produced a wide range of publications for the Nuffield Trust, both working within the brand guidelines and developing new design directions.
Projects have included a publication to mark the NHS’ 65th anniversary and a new series of policy briefings on key topics in health care, to be published around the 2015 General Election.
For each publishing project, we recruited a team of designers and editors to help deliver the project, and managed print procurement.
“Matthew has a very wide knowledge of publishing. His experience has been central to implementation of an ambitious programme. He can always be relied upon to remain calm and collected, and to turn projects round quickly.”
Nuffield Trust visual identity
Following appointment of a new chief executive the Nuffield Trust wanted a fresh look and feel to signal a new direction. We managed the project from start to finish including procurement, design direction, change management and internal communications.
The result was an elegant new identity that both reflected the Trust’s brand values and supported the Trust's print and digital communications programme.
“Our brand review project produced an excellent new visual identity for the Nuffield Trust. The new identity is a cornerstone of our revamped communications programme. Matthew managed the project expertly from start to finish. Highly recommended.”
Social care publications
The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) produces good practice guides and briefings for professionals working in social care.
We have worked on a wide range of publications, editing the text to ensure accuracy and clarity, and working with designers and printers to ensure delivery on time and within budget.
“Knowledgeable, organised, and always aware of who the project is designed for.”
QualityWatch visual identity
QualityWatch is a five-year joint Health Foundation/Nuffield Trust programme, measuring care quality in the NHS in England.
The brief was to source and implement a visual identity that would reflect the 'digital-first' ethos of the joint venture. We managed the delivery of the new brand including procurement, design direction and internal communications.
The new identity successfully supports digital and print communications, an annual conference and other events.