Building relationships with new audiences requires knowledge and expertise – and a degree of commitment. A successful digital agency wanted to attract new clients in the healthcare and not-for-profit sectors. We worked with them to help position the organisation and supported them in developing a marketing strategy and online modules tailored to the needs of their intended new client base, to build the agency's credibility as potential long-term development partners for NHS and voluntary organisations.
Nuffield Trust: publishing strategy and training
To support the publishing programme at the Nuffield Trust, we designed a programme of process mapping, writing training and internal communications, to improve the quality of writing and engagement with the publishing programme.
The programme has delivered improvements in writing quality and helped streamline the delivery of publishing projects, as well as providing a series of reference documents and an up-to-date style guide.
The programme has also developed the publishing workflow to accommodate ebooks and print-on-demand editions.
“Understood us as an organisation, built good relationships and managed implementation astutely. Developed and successfully implemented writing training programmes that have upskilled our researchers.”
NHS Confederation: editorial training
The NHS Confederation publishing team was highly experienced, but wanted to move beyond competence to achieve editorial excellence.
We designed and delivered a workshop to first define the key features of top-class copy-editing and then map out a practical implementation process.
The workshop received positive feedback from both course participants and managers.
Health Foundation: publishing strategy
The Health Foundation is a major independent charity working to improve the quality of health care in the UK.
We undertook a thorough review of the charity’s publishing processes (including a benchmarking exercise) and made several recommendations, contributing to a streamlined workflow and saving time and costs.
Project Management Secrets
MB Communications Director Matthew Batchelor is the author of the best-selling Project Management Secrets. Published by HarperCollins in 2010, the book has sold over 10,000 copies in English and has been translated into languages, including Portuguese, Thai and Vietnamese.
Matthew gives presentations and runs training events based on the stories and insights in the book, to help organisations improve the way they think about and manage communications projects.
Because we believe in spreading the word about the value of good project management, reduced rates are available for public and voluntary organisations.